
Gac fruits are good food that support treament of infertility

Scientists have shown that diet with natural food contains vitamins which can increase life expectancy
Scientists have shown that diet with natural food contains vitamins which can increase life expectancy, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and impact positively on the human’s fertility. 

Among many natural products which are good for health , we can see that Gac is favorite food in many Vietnamese families’s meals. 

Gac is a kind of creeper. It has great value for food and endemic medicine in Indochina and Vietnam. Gac is named after name used in Vietnam. Its scientific name is Momordica cochinchinensis - the herbaceous plants of the bitter melon genus. The herbaceous plants are dioecious plants, which means that it includes female plants and male plants.

Gac fruits are very rich in carotenoids which includes beta-caroten, lycopen,etc. Each 100 grams of Gac (red membrane) contains 15mg carotene và 16mg lycopen. When Gac fruits are ripe, carotene content reduces and lycopene content rises. Gac is considered as the No. 1 example for Beta Carotene content. Beta Carotene content in each 100 grams of Gac seeds red membrane is up to 38 mg equivalent to 50,000 units of vitamin A. Therefore, with high content of beta carotene , lycopene , vitamin E and the amount of essential materials, Gac and Gac products are defenitely  good for infertile people.

Here we will study about the role of these nutrients to reproductive health.

Beta carotene : Beta carotene in Gac oil is very good for sexual health because vitamin A has a particular impact on promoting the process of constituting protein molecules in the body. The lack of vitamin A effects severely on the operation of sexual cells to produce sperm and eggs as well as changes structure of the genitals such as the vas deferens , prostate , uterus , ovaries,etc.

Lycopene : Lycopene is a powerful anti-oxydant. It has a direct effect on the quality of the prostate. Lycopene creates red pigment in several kinds of ripe fruits which are in carotenoid group such as watermelon, grapes, tomatoes and shellfish. Lycopene is found to have the highest content in the red membrane of Gac fruits. This content is 68 times higher than tomatoes .

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxydant that helps the ovaries and the woman’s egg quality become better. Therefore, it can increase the fertility. For men,  vitamin E makes sperm more qualified. Gac oil contains alphatocophero - precursors of vitamin E which is named “love vitamin” or “reproductive vitamin” by scientists.

Vitamin E in Gac oil is a pure product derived entirely from nature. It will make health toughen, increase your energy and enhance libido. Vitamin E is indispensable in regulating the activity of the gonads as well as prolong lives of sperm and egg cells. The adequate supply of vitamins E and vitamin A in Gac oil also works to improve blood circulation in the genitals as well as accelerate the process of production and development of sperm .

Other studies show that women who use vitamin E can reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer 67 % lower than ones who don’t use. The dose of vitamin E is 75 mg supplement per day, equivalent to 110 units of natural vitamin E. It is also recommended: using vitamin E supplemented with vitamin C everyday  may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Another study shows that the compound of carotene, lycopene, vitamin E ( -cotopherol ) in Gac oil is useful to disable 75 % of carcinogens, especially breast cancer.

With such considerable advantages of the vitamins in Gac fruits as above, we hope that infertile couples will soon have  pleasure in their families.