
Gac - A natural source of drugs to treat eye diseases

Serious eye disorders and effects of Gac
Patients with cataract
Gac can help
Macular degeneration (macular)

The human eye is an amazing machine with the complex structure and functions. The process of vizualising does not take place if the eyes are not provided enough nutrition. Some of foods are more important for eyesight compared to other foods, and it seems that Gac is born especially to benefit for the eyes. It is rich in vitamin A and carotenoids like beta - carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein, nutrients that you will see is absolutely essential for good health and activity of the eye.

From the outside, the eye has many parts and layers, and each of them play a significant role . When light shines into the eye , it passes through a thin tear film which helps to protect and lubricate the cornea of the eye. Behind the cornea, a fluid called the aqueous flow through the area in front of your eyes and keep pressure steady. 

How much The Iris, a colored part of the eye, expand and contract depends on the amount of light that meets the eye. The pupil is the black dot in the middle of the eye . When the iris relax or bend, allowing a proper amount of light to pass through the lens. Lens’s shape can be changed when we try to focus on the object visibility in different distances.

When light passes through the lens , it runs into the center of the eye , where can be filled with an anqueous fluid, a transparent liquid like jelly surrounded by dura mater, which is the hard part , the white of the eye . Behind the eye, retinal photoreceptor convergence as a movie screen, and many of its parts work together to analize the information and send it to the brain . These cells receiving light stimuli are called rods and cones, which receive light and translate it into the optical signals traveling through the nervous system . Because it is a focal point of the eye, the macula( macula ) have more cells receiving light stimuli than any other part of the eye .

Beneath the layer of rods and cones is a layer called the retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) . RPE absorb excess light, allowing the rods and cones to receive a better and clearer signal. RPE also eliminate waste and provide nutrients for the rods and cones. The vascular covering layers behind the retina also provides the necessary nutrients and remove harmful waste.

The signals received by the rods and cones pass RPE along the nerves leading to the optic nerve, which is actually a cluster of nerves behind the eye. This nerve carries to the brain all the information obtained from the eye. Imagine the amount of information passing through the optic nerve every second. Everything you can see goes through this nerve.

When the brain receives information passing through the optic nerve , it compiles information for us to understand what we're looking at . This process may sound complicated, but it occurs at once. It only takes a portion of a second to complete the whole process from the thin layer of tears across the cornea to the brain. 

Serious eye disorders and effects of Gac


Glaucoma occurs when anqueous fluid accumulates or circulates badly, which causes high pressure in the eye. This pressure, known as pressure in the eye which must be kept in the normal limit to avoid damaging the optic nerve. If untreated, glaucoma gradually causes loss of vision and eventually blindness . These observations and studies have shown that glaucoma can be hereditary and may not appear until old

Although glaucoma is mainly found among  people over 40 years old, it can also affect young children and even infants. The studies show that African Americans were affected by glaucoma more serverely than others,  was disordered at a young age and were in much more severe amblyopia. Other factors showed an increased risk of glaucoma include:

• There has been no visible
• Diabetes
• Family background was Russia , Japan , Spain and Portugal , Inuit , Irish or Xcangdinavy.
• Use prescription drugs containing steroid hormones.

Often, the first sign of glaucoma is loss of peripheral vision. Symptoms are often unnoticed until the disease has progressed to dangerous levels. Therefore, It is a need to check peripheral vision often. Sometimes, you may discover increased pressure in the eye . These symptoms may include sudden eye pain, headache , blurred look , seeing  distorted image or halo around lights, feeling lazy eye , nausea or even vomiting .

The experts can not figure out how to prevent glaucoma. Several factors can not overcome. But if diagnosed and treated early, glaucoma can be controlled. In addition, proper nutrition and nutritious foods can be useful. Gac is particularly valuable for the eyes as it is rich in carotenoids like beta - carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Patients with cataract

Cataracts can cause blurred lens, leading to vision loss. More than half of Americans over 65 have cataracts. Cataracts can occur when proteins accumulate in the lens, which can make it dim, preventing light from passing and convergence accurately. Experts do not know what caused the accumulation of protein, but they recognize certain types of cataracts

Cataracts usually form slowly and there are few early symptoms. As the disease progresses , it can cause blurry or dark eyes, It can suddenly attacked by nearsightedness and even change the way you see certain colors, especially yellow . Cataracts can also cause double vision, sensitivity to glare or have difficulty seeing the headlights of other cars.

Doctors can diagnose cataracts with a series of special tests. First, the doctor checks the general vision . Then the doctor stretched out your eye to take a clear view of lens and other parts of the eye. This allows doctors to decide how cataracts can affect to eyesight. If the risk of vision loss is not large, the doctor can adjust the glasses. But if cataracts can be serious, your doctor may recommend surgery.

Cataract surgery is the most common surgery in the United States. More than 1.5 million cataract surgeries are performed each year to and more than 90 % vision of patients were improved. American Eye Institute recommends people aged 40 to 64 should have a comprehensive eye examination at least once two years or four years, and those aged 65 years should be checked once or twice a year.

Gac can help

These studies have recently found that carotenoids in Gac fruit can prevent the development of cataracts

Most experts will tell you that there is no way to prevent cataracts, because no one knows exactly what causes them. But recent research suggests that carotenoids in Gac may be effective in preventing the development of cataracts. Some scientific research suggests that the two carotenoid absorption, lutein and zeaxanthin, can reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Lutein and zeaxanthin are vitally important for eye health and may play a key role in preventing major diseases of the eye, including macular degeneration

Macular degeneration ( macular )

Macular degeneration is a condition in which cells receive light stimulation of the macula, the mid-point of the retina, get malfunction and eventually die. American Eye Institute says macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness for people over age 50 in the United States. The experts estimate that over 17 million Americans have symptoms of macular degeneration, and this year has added half a million people are diagnosed with the disease.

The term macular degeneration usually macular degeneration related to age( AMD ), although there is some form of macular degeneration affects younger people . There are two main types of AMD, wet and dry, and AMD initially presented itself with the accumulation of drusen, a yellowish residue on the macula . The residue does not affect the vision itself, its existence increases the risk of developing AMD. Macular degeneration begins when the retinal pigment epithelium of the retina under the macula disturbed, cut nutrients and prevent the waste from being removed.

These factors causing the risk of macular degeneration consist of smoking, age (3 in 10 people  aged 75 to 85 have some signs of macular degeneration), family background, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular disorders and overexposure to the sun.

The symptoms of AMD include blurred look, shadow or empty distorted areas seeing, or have problems related to color. The most traditional treatment include take medicine.

Gac may help

Recent studies suggest that macular degeneration can be reduced or even prevented by increasing the nutrient load which has certain advantages. The study of eye disease related to age showed that a combination of beta - carotene, vitamin C and E and zinc can reduce the risk of developing AMD by 25 % in patients with clear signs of the disease. The combination of nutrients is the only method proven to reduce the risk of metabolic disease from mild to severe AMD

To protect baby’s eyes by regularly eating Gac

Another study then examines the effects of two important carotenoid found abundantly in Gac, known as lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids are indispensable action components of the macula and peripheral retina. Without lutein and zeaxanthin, we can not see. Some studies have found a relationship between low serum levels of these two carotenoids and the increasing risk of AMD. Other studies showed that high concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula leads directly to reduced risk of developing macular degeneration.

Finally, a recent study at Harvard Medical University discovered that zeaxanthin may protect the retina by absorbing blue light and acting as a feeder destructive free radicals. Research also shows that zeaxanthin may protect against light damage and prevent cell death stimuli received light, a major cause of vision loss in AMD

Other studies show that lutein and zeaxanthin may protect the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the macula and the rest of the retina. An important test study related to 90 patients with AMD showed that the addition of this incredible carotenoids can improve visual acuity in most patients.

Certainly, this carotenoid is an indispensable part of any diet which is good for eyes, and Gac can be the most efficient in the world. This tiny fruit from the rainforests of Southeast Asia may be the best friend of the eye.